Here's a new contest (insert cheering)
How many hats do Laura and Jonathan have in their van?The contest is official as of today, and answers can come in through Aug. 13, the day after we return. We'll count our hats when we pull our stuff out of the van. I'm not sure of the answer myself, so it's not multiple choice. A hint: it's more than one.
Whoever guesses the right amount or closest to it wins a prize. Whoopee! Hurray! Yippee!
Have a good trip.
I'd say close to 12. Any pretty ones that we might like?
Of course there are pretty ones! Jonathan's cowboy hat is especially pretty. Ahem. I mean manly.
Stay posted for the answer once we get home, and keep those guesses coming!
I'm going with 9...cause I like 9. It's a good number, an overlooked and underappreciated number...why God, why doesn't anyone ever pick 9?!?!?
heh heh,
I'm going to go for 13, a much-maligned number.
Assuming you had 2 hats in the van at the start of the trip and that you have bought at least 3 hats during your travels, you now have 5 hats.
But, it's well known that hats breed.
Given that the average hat produces a litter of 2.3 hats every 3 weeks, and you've been on the road 12 weeks, I calculate that you have 30.3 hats.
14 hats. One is Jonathan's.
My guess is seven. Jonathan gets one. Laura gets one for every day of the week but keeps a day off for resting hair follicles.
Well, the actual number must be 11. I can come collect my prize in person and save you the postage.
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