Monday, July 24, 2006

Homesick? Nah

We’re getting closer to returning to Oregon, and although I love my adopted state, I’m not looking forward to hitting reality. Jobs, cleaning, unpacking, trimming down our stuff, figuring out the rest of our lives.

There are some things I miss, though. Friends and family top the list, of course. Then comes recycling. There are so many states out here that don’t recycle, or at least don’t make it easy. Jonathan’s been a star locating Whole Foods stores so we can drop off a big bag of plastic bottles and newspapers. Our friends Aaron and Jenn also let us leave a bunch of it with them for their trip to the local recycling area at the town dump.

I also miss some restaurants. And our neighborhood library, which I was too busy to use since we moved there, but that I used all the time when we lived around the corner. I’m also looking forward to going hiking in the gorge or somewhere else scenic. It’s been a long time since we’ve done day trips from Portland, since we didn’t live there for two years. Now we can take day trips to the beach and feel relaxed, rather than the beach being our reality.

Life will be good when we get back. It’ll be fun and fulfilling, and there are so many possibilities. But I’m not going to rush the rest of this trip. The days may be going by in a flash of silver, but I’m savoring them. Every single day, even the long ones when the hotel that’s supposed to be around the corner doesn’t show up for 80 miles.


At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait until you are both back home. Until then, sip, knit, knosh kibitz.

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, too bad you're missing some lovely 108 degree weather! Then again, I heard it's sweltering out east, too--plus there's the HUMIDITY. Have fun!

At 11:36 PM, Blogger dampscribbler said...

Portland misses you, too!


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